The ‘Me Want, We Want’ poem

‘Me Want, We Want’ [4th/7th June 2019, version two] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, blue ink pen on A3 light textured paper.

Poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist entitled ‘Me Want, We Want’:

‘Me Want, We Want’ [19th March 2020, digital version in Elephant font] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.



‘Me Want, We Want’ [4th/7th June 2019, version one] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, blue ink pen on A3 light textured paper.

Inspired by a safari photo taken of wildebeest in the Masai Mara by a friend who lives in South Africa.  The photograph was published online 4th June 2019.

Upon viewing the photo I created the first draft of my new original poem.  Completing the poem’s compositional structure within the first of two versions we now see here on the 7th June 2019.

In version two I feel I’ve encapsulated the idea of conservationist urgency.  A free flowing style of writing.

‘Me Want, We Want’ is intended pragmatically.  Decorum.  Constructive.  My interest particularly is to represent the voice of children, younger people, in writing form.  To appeal to children through my poem in sharing ecological ideas in a way that is easily readable to young art enthusiasts.

To speak about the Earth.  How the animals feel.  How we feel regarding habitat destruction, negative climate change and environmental pollution.

Clearly children and younger people generally feel strongly about what is happening with climate change in this world they’re growing up within.

It’s their world too.

Their now and their future.

Inspiring younger people positively is one of the greatest gifts in making art.
