‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ the a4 LY version

‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [5th August 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, dip nib pen using original iron gall ink recipe on A3 [180 gsm] Artist’s paper.

This version of ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable‘ has been made using an original iron gall ink recipe dating to c1540 A.D.

The metallic nib of the wooden handled pen required repeated dipping into the bluish-black fluidic iron gall ink to produce legible lines onto the paper.

I have formulated a ‘typeface’ of alphabetical characters within this artwork.  The letters a, E, h, I, m, n, u and w are the most distinctive in style.

Viewing this artwork you will clearly see my equation as follows:

The ‘a4 LYequation [6th August 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital version.

I think this is magnanimously intriguing, do not you?

Study #1 ‘a4 LY’ equation [6th August 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, dip nib pen using iron gall ink on A3 Artist’s paper.

With this first study of my ‘a4 LY’ equation I’ve incorporated ferrous waves into modern alphabetical lettering with 16th century numerals.

I love my new equation, it’s supercool.


“I Want To Change The World, Different Same” the higledi-pigledie version

“I Want To Change The World, Different Same” the ‘higledi-pigledie version’ [30th July 2020] – a saying by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, dip nib pen using original iron gall ink on A3 [180 gsm] Artist’s paper.

I want to change the world by making it different and I want to change the world by keeping it the same.” derived from my original saying published on this blog 24th February 2015.  Wrote in an electronic message to my dear Nan some time earlier.

The original blog articles containing my quote-saying in various constructive versions are available to read here:

Twombly and Distant Voices and A Dodecahedron.
