Marcel Dyf Forever With Claudine

[Marcel Dyf video courtesy of Learn from Masters on Youtube]

I discovered the artworks of French painter Marcel Dyf whilst viewing the social media of an art blogging site.  A warm thank you to all creators and supporters of our mutual enjoyment for international Art.

Please enjoy a video of Marcel Dyf’s artworks courtesy of Learn from Masters on Youtube, video above.  I’ve also created a poem inspired by Marcel’s artworks to share with you entitled Sacré Ciel.

Sacré Ciel” a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist:

“Marcel flowered fruits orchard bloom bosomed womb

Inward outward gardens honest multi-coloured plume

Ordered compositions ♬ Camille Saint-Saëns ♬ Étienne

Yellow Skirted Modesty

Sacré Ciel du Museon Arlaten

Claudine à la Guitare for display

y el Mandolina humilité

Le Verre de Hroms et Titane became

Bequeathed to the Aquarium seas

turning Verde Oscuro pleased

Châtaigne Profond 

Still moving Farmyards bond

Gathering by the fountain pond

Lamelles des Bois

Wrought Lively Fronds

Flamenco Red Diving Sun

Les Danses furnace Hearted fun 😍”

Copyright © 4th January 2019 by Matt The Unfathomable Artist
