A Collection of Sayings, Poems and Songs by Matt The Unfathomable Artist

“That we are travelling with the Sun at great speed in all four directions, actually seven, is insight beyond my comprehension at this time.” 


       by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – © September 2017.


“Good Domestic Policy is fair between all.”

“An exception to an agreed rule brings a finger that will wag or a tongue that will sway.”

“Scales well balanced benefit all.  Not a nod or a wink to be seen.”

“Happiness receives much gain and its home is a joy to see.”

“Wisdom is Open & Non Judgmental.  Everyone knows exactly where this stands.”

“Great Speakers are good Conductors. Leaders rather than unseasoned followers.  Yielders to reason rather than bucklers for selfish gain.”

“Pawns once removed shift balance whilst equal numbers percent a pleasing draw to conclude.”

“Time is a two-way pressure. Yet all things seem relative to only one.”

“Resolve lifts up the shoulders, a helping hand keeps comforting a burden.”

“A family is like a beloved homeland.  A castle with a roaring fire against the cold and a contented nest for its warmth.”

“A contender can speak brash words to stir up whilst a seasoned Champion speaks of calm.”

“Equal is the work of the strong ones hands and the speed of their thoughts.”

“One that works hard at life sees gain. It is like Gold, Silver and Bronze for its sheer weight or like a purse signed with many colourful banners.”

“An emblem is a sign of fortitude and strength. Its people speak out glad things and welcomes strangers as friends.”

“The mere hen of a wealthy person’s garden lays eggs day by day.  She does not concern herself over food nor does she become anxious under rain.”

“A drink quenches the thirst for a moment.  Love is remembered forever.”

“A woman’s heart is at its fullest whilst suckling her newborn child.”

“Deep prussian blues swimming, terracotta heights cascading, brimming, yellow golds mixing, blue and white skies sunkissing, a marvellous photo for the person relaxed, picturing.”

“Can you build a house without breaking a worm?” or “Who can build a house without breaking a worm?”

“Would you love your child less that they babbled from their beginning to talk?  Or that they stumbled to walk?” – by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – Copyright © 17th December 2015

“Elohim is wise that Elohim made all of us eat from the clay that Elohim made.” – Have you ever considered why the intellectuals spoke about the Mind of Elohim?

Wonders shall cease not, though one million solar years pass with feet that tread mud.– published on 30th January 2018

‘Urgency mixed with the oils of imperturbability’

‘There is light approaching, for the dawn settles many a dispute with the night’

‘Our legs are the Wheels of the Universe’

“Who made the stars work together to make firm your walking?” or “How did the stars work together to hold your walking in its place?”

“If entirely fathomable, wouldn’t be Unfathomable.”

“Who art wisest, those that know not the heart or those that know the Land, the Sea and the Air?”

“I know that to circumnavigate the Darkness we each need Light at its due time.”

“There is a place we do not know, that will never knows, that when we do know, will never knows, even though we do already know that before time it is impossible to know.”

I want to change the world by keeping it the same and I want to change the world by making it different.’

‘Sometimes perfection is immediate and sometimes it takes time.’

[ ‘Whence I lighted upon this magnificent horse, its beauty quite Unfathomable in every way, I immediately envisaged a sketch for his handsome expression and exquisite pleasance,

Eyes likened to the grey seal pup, spirit as Universal thunders, herds of fallow deer for movement and his adorable grace equaling that of the Octopodes.’ [writing 1st July 2019]. ]

‘Who would draw near to Leviathan to hunt those that call out from the freedom of their shells?’

‘I am for nurturing planet Earth like I am for ‘My Springboks, My Springboks’.’

‘You are concerned with three pence in the pound whilst three thousand million is sleeping sound.’

‘Death is the great humbler.  For some life is a forever lover.’

‘Life is the starling that calls out for the grub.’

‘Are [the] obstacles lines in the sand that can be moved?’

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist © 2012 onwards


“My People” 

“I used to cry in the most Northern Place of My People. 

They would see me and they would cry heavily with me in their hearts. 

My People are in the East and the South Places too. 

I have My People in the Islands throughout the Divers Places

and in the Western Places where the Elk calls out like the Angel that made them strong.”

A saying by Matt The Unfathomable Artist © 2nd October 2018


“Momentary Weakness” a poem © 24th May 2015:

“Momentary weakness is the passing of the night,

the full Moon that rides quietly by,

it’s the Swans for gliding forever high,

on the waves made by our Sun’s rapturous roaring flight,

in a mustering up of energy ready for the invisible fight,

a gathering of thoughts to win out with last breaths might,

as I’ve said before ‘You cannot contain thy spirit’ quite,

when with all thy stand unequalled in this mind, that is ever thirsting for the Light.”


“The Ballet of Swifts & Swallows”

“The eager dances of Swallows flying in erratic playful dives,

Competing the ballet of winged pirouettes with excited cries,

Swifts that scatter in cloudy rain filled skies,

Checking in all directions as dust that appears alive to sweet sunlight sighs,

A tiny bat hungrily at our heads whispering loudly for its find,

Weaving the way through the insect laden murkiness of this dusky night,

Geese chattering shrieks pitched ever high,

Whilst low searching for the glistening of soft blankets below, to plough with their feet like gentle snow.

Yes, this is how at day’s end I see my mind’s eyes on this cushion glow.”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – Copyright © July 2015.


“The Indestructible Imperceptibility”

“I am the constraint of where I am from

Turn histories pages and there you see a resemblance

See my birth, the traits before me

New virtues brought into the Earth my own

Look at their beginning

The indestructible imperceptibility

Utmost love for the following

Listening indefinitely for a new place

A calling distinctly thy own.”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – Copyright © 23rd October 2015


“The Living Artwork Eternal That Breatheth Not.” – Copyright © May 4th [2016]


“The Foundlings.”

A block made by Humankind, its breathing within.

First it’s blow an astonishment,

The building Hammer swift and unyielding for the Second strike.

Those that move around with camels make ancient cakes,

Feet sprout downwards strong as fig roots into the ground.

Palatial Grasses overgrow Dusts by the Water from its Rivers old.

Smiles are The Starry Night,

Peoples of the Vineyards and their Storehouses gather,

Trees spring forth for The Yellow Moon.

Their long necks are made happy,

As Thorns are gathered up for dung.

Even The Horned One recovers and the Grey Tail finds peace.”

The Foundlings’ poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright © 9th February 2017.


“Spirit Heal”


“I guess you think you know who you are,

But there’s so much more, to come by far,

You’ve gotta open up, like lilly fields

Think I’m good for you, to spirit heal

Saw you through windows sun behind

Saw you’re hiding thoughts while I smiled

Gotta tell you now, I see so deep

There isn’t much you can hide from me”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright © June 2006


A Provenance Poem, “The Pathways, Currents and Tides of the Universe” 

‘The Pathways, Currents and Tides of the Universe.

Eight Luminaries Enforced along with the Sun,

One Heart Moving Jupiter

Five Rocks Shifted in Time.

And A Work of Art in the Waiting,

Whose Wings Span Millions of Years

In Her Turning Quite Beautifully Around.

Ah, Who Really is the Controller Of Dusts Above and the Dusts Below?’

A Provenance Poem ‘The Pathways, Currents and Tides of the Universe’ by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright ©2012.


A Deeper Crescendo

Wherever your hair shines as the sea,

Excited dolphins are your pretty curls,

Two moons become your breathing,

The sweet tide gives way Near and Far,

Sounds of ecstatic waves,

Below for a deeper crescendo 💕’

“A Deeper Crescendo” poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – Copyright © November 2015.


Sacré Ciel

“Marcel flowered fruits orchard bloom bosomed womb

Inward outward gardens honest multi-coloured plume

Ordered compositions ♬ Camille Saint-Saëns ♬ Étienne

Yellow Skirted Modesty

Sacré Ciel du Museon Arlaten

Claudine à la Guitare for display

y el Mandolina humilité

Le Verre de Hroms et Titane became

Bequeathed to the Aquarium seas

turning Verde Oscuro pleased

Châtaigne Profond 

Still moving Farmyards bond

Gathering by the fountain pond

Lamelles des Bois

Wrought Lively Fronds

Flamenco Red Diving Sun

Les Danses furnace Hearted fun 😍”

a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright © 4th January 2019


“The Thinking from Old”

“Metals cover over,

the Mirror returns the Light,

from the Outside it cannot be seen,

not without the Passing,

very great are Their multitudinous speeds,

all of Them compacted like the smallest of atoms,

the Outermost band is marvellously deep that Light itself is held,

the Outermost band keeps It safe”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright ©7th April 2019

This is all I can comprehend of this phenomena in the present time.

‘The Thinking from Old’ [9th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, blue ink pen on A3 light textured paper – signed. Digital filter and effects applied to photograph. Original poem copyright 7th April 2019.


Poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist entitled ‘Me Want, We Want‘:

‘Me Want, We Want’ [4th/7th June 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, blue ink pen on A3 light textured paper.

‘Me Want, We Want’ [19th March 2020 digital version in Elephant font] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.

Children’s easy reading artwork version, link here The ‘Me Want, We Want’ poem


‘My Springboks, My Springboks’ [Digital Artwork, 21st August 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4096 x 2160 pixels.

‘My Springboks, My Springboks’ [Digital Artwork, 21st August 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4096 x 2160 pixels.

I am for nurturing planet Earth like I am for ‘My Springboks, My Springboks’.


Two Swifts‘ [an excerpt]

‘As I viewed the soggy sky,

two swifts kept flitting above as for food in the winds,

the airborne sea-like mass,

until they two flew for shelter.

Verily the swift is politer than most,

calling out for the knowing of its place.

None gave to it the rule,

neither was there an asking.

It chose to do so.

– a writing by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright © 3rd August 2019.


Victorious The Butterfly

‘That butterfly against the full force of the vicious gale,

thrown off its destination by the sheer onslaught,

in awe I was, and now too for a surety as I write,

that the torrential waterfall had not broken its delicate structure into the allegorical smithereens,

seconds merged into a great heavenly battle,

the unrelenting jaws of the sky smashing it mercilessly,

Victorious The Butterfly, obscured under leaf,

as if its arthropodic intugement were hewn from solid gold,

cleaved nay impossibly I ought to explain,

somehow incomprehensibly made by the gods whom certainly knew the like of Perseus himself 🎬🎥’ 

– a writing by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Copyright © 27th August 2019.

n.b. Oh do tell me you love this  📃 For if you do, you love Victorious The Butterfly as I do.


Nay Shy, Nay Shy

Would you like to see the sky as seagulls fly

or waves made as dolphins and whales that ascend upon high,

laughing bound as seconds they escape their watery surround,

replete with animated odes that fill eyes with salted joyful tears found,

nay shy, nay shy to all of life’s earthly sounds?’

“Nay Shy, Nay Shy” by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – copyright February/March 2020.


“Gazes Are Nebulae” [16th March 2020] a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.


If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable

‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Sap Green, 26th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Sap Green oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, Pop Art, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph.  Original Saying created December 2018.

‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Red Ochre, 26th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Red Ochre oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, Pop Art, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph.  Original Saying created December 2018.

‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Aquamarine, 25th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Aquamarine oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, Pop Art, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph.  Original Saying created December 2018.

Quotation for “If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable“:

Y over O in ‘Aquamarine’,

Y intersects B in ‘Red Ochre’,

Y is a constant over MA in ‘Sap Green’.

T required calculation.


‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [5th August 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, dip nib pen using original iron gall ink recipe on A3 [180 gsm] Artist’s paper.

Viewing the artwork shown immediately above you will clearly see my formulated equation as follows:

The ‘a4 LY’ equation [6th August 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital version.

Likely astronomers, engineers and mathematicians can help explain the correlation to us.


Puddle‘ [4th July 2020] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.


“I Want To Change The World, Different Same” the ‘higledi-pigledie version’ [30th July 2020] – a saying by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, dip nib pen using original iron gall ink on A3 [180 gsm] Artist’s paper.


“Thy Glinted End”

“Rhythm taut flexed skin,

Phoenix constellated Xiaolin,

Grey troned electronic queue,

Washington imbued stately hue,

Accrued in silvric metalled smite,

Smelted gilded ladened kite,

Embark radared mineralled sight,

Warp’ed Traveller supered extra-Nigh,

Prospect ye illust-fabled crystalline bright,

Crush-cookied shaped girded lineal spars,

Soot tunnelled depth-charged night,

Terraquoised chasmed vultured sleep,

Shah-Khan, Bosi, Tanakh, Chi-Tewan,

Resonate volumed anti-quet Clan,

Green threaded strongheld quasi-Blue,

Mired Red wounded aged dread,

Of ye an’ ye thy Stratos fallened through,

Meat thou meeted glinting End.”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright 9th December 2020.


“Spook’ed Mangled Soul”

“Spirit darkened myriad troll,
Thouest spook’ed mangled soul,
Quibbled night, contentious rift,
Confuffled postulation, cantankerous shift,
Tis mere blight, a trifling blip to your day,
Thy creaking lull, makes fishers hay,
Thine sinking bedraggled vessel,
Lest not evil grin dishevel,
Fallen Kraken weighted bat strewn cavern,
Taking monstrous sup,
Debauch’ed bloodied tavern cup,
Wolves a’ howling melod’ thee lungs,
Arms of fire, defended Damascus guns,
Sighs overgrown, deaden’ed bite,
Hollowed eyes devoid’ed fright,
Artily made Love, submersive eve’n unto die,
Pitifully uncan’ bruted tragic joy,
As scrying imaged plotted ploy.
Guard thy torrented storaged keep,
For lovers one cannot nightly weep.”

– by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright 25th October 2020.


“Nine Six Nine Deciduous”

‘One wisheth to be fastidious,

Exuberantly earthened unhideous,

Fettering the Demarcatious,

Being Nine Six Nine deciduous,

Half the Time Draconian contiguous,

Fervently filial-al,

Omnisciently quintessenti-al,

Redolently chromosomium,

Extricably balonium,

Hath thou eve’n heard thy Meconium?

Tellest thee of thine Meconium.’

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright January 2021.


“Modulated Paragon”

‘Irrepressible enumerate tracks,

Grandiose entrepreneurial stacks,

Coracle floated entomological,

Diplomatical syntax categorical,

Stretched-out handed,

Gold lined annexati{A}n0n,

Electric arcing,

Maelstrom modulated Paragon,

Algebraic constanted Automat{e}-ion,

Forrader ravenous trajectory,

the Superlative Plenipotentiary,

Prepositionalled lattice crowned,


– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, © 19th January 2021.


“Resurgental Teem”

‘Amalgamated punctilious presciential,

ancient Romanized primordial,

prehistoric chimera Luxorial,

periscopal Sans-Serif rye-cardial,

Emerald, ruby, sapphired-diamond,

Laplacian machina extincted firebrand,

Kindled ebullient meritorious,

Praia das Catedrais,

Sojourned island Peiraieus,

Setted proscenium,


Stokered stormied theorem,


Thine and thy a progeny,


‘I Maat Metamorphose’

Quaintly Unimprobably,

Countenanced Thutmose,

Who really is the utmost Resurgental Teem?

silvery Superhost overspilling thee,

Sepia portraited {cobalt} green,

Reclamational Blue & Baleen,

Scrolling spouted words,

Please follow me,

Osier{ily} manifested,

Quotient collected,

Unto foreseen.’

– “Resurgental Teem” a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist in Sans Serif font, © January 2021.


“Thrice Orb’s Emolument”

“Setteth Thrice Orb’s emolument,

Thine ingenious Gazetteer,

Sing harmonious oars thee stade

of Roebuck dangered clear,

‘Parley’d barley, M’lud’,

A Dragoon reined ‘Spheric steer

tarried pinions principled crag,

‘a Viziered Artist {mightest my seer},

aye of fair lass an’ thine ruddy lad,

to deed that their two five and ten pointed stag’,

whence The Course fill thy run ye true’d,

An’ shine wit intellect natch intend imbued,

‘Newest far yonder Oldest’ we saith

yare our dearest Plough’eth’d H’earth,

thee nated-knap ravin-surged,

takin’ a ponderous weevilled bourse,

nev’ aught Leap nor unbounded words permit,

that we putteth high aft our soddened ground,

gift her alluvion married sail

wildern makest hallowed proud,

an’ whence thou work endowed

in quickened Time,

Gord be lively brindled sound.”

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, shown in Trade Gothic Next font in image © January 2021.


“Wells Beryllium”

“Betroth expatiate Mohs forbidding,

Electrons, ions, intransigent missing,

Nephesh halcyon junctured megalithic,

Discern bauxite cavalcade civic,

Ten twelfth’d mellifluous adjutant quorum,

Reportage veracious implorem,

Hans Christian Ørsted Andersen,

Aitch G gem-rotated Wells beryllium,

Polyatomic cedared anodized tantalum,

Clay winged Endopterygota’d writed-reader,

Centurion imperative coalesced,

Evocation renewable crest extented breadth,

Tectonic ultra-sounded super-souled test,

Thermal{LED} rheostatic propitious behest,

Declaration ‘Tangier, tingis, Tonga,

Kong Haakon’.”

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist © February 2021.

“Baby Wren”

“What are they doing? graviloquenced Baby Wren to her phrontist Mum,

“Ah, you see they defedated every thing,

they think the Earth’s an igniparous gun,

At the other end of what they started with,

is half of what begun!”

Baby Wren replied:

“Yes Mum,

I read dear Ursus Maritimus,

the Ephydriadic Bear,

they melted myriads of her sea ice with impigrity,

it’s now traboccantly rare.”

Conservation poem “Baby Wren” by Matt The Unfathomable Artist © 12th February 2021.


“Amorevolously Sementine”

“Shall we artigraph a fabrefaction,

quizzical of words?


historically un-absurd,

You see:

‘Singular malleation took the mammoth Steppe,

Although, here, in {two oh N0x}

it’s much less boscaresque,

Terra, Brine an’ Celesphere

quite an addled mess,

You’re verily mariturient

to beloved Earth,

Amorevolously sementine, nuturient

to such a worthy cause,

Tenellous of virtue

cleanliest Mandamus in hands,

Readied for natural ablactation

from tup pollutive course,

A magnanerie of fine Acatour’s

global through and through,

Brabeum of Bluest Mirth

heal ‘er rounded-straight and true.’ ”

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, jpg image in Grotesque font, © 14th February 2021.



“Air the quiet after a Caribbean storm,
Wind blown dust settled,
Soft breezy stillness.
Lightning enriched,
Charged particles, ionized happy 🙂
Fresh like Antarctican mountain snow,
Where gusts breach one hundred empirically,
Wolverine traverses Alaskan peaks,
with swagger-fleeted perfection,
The morning run,
in a City,

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, in News Gothic MT, © 25th February 2021.


“Monet Painted Spring”

“Their Sounds are an Orchestra to me,


Songs, Melodies, Conversations afar,

Water Rail and thy ascended Sky Lark,

Thine sight is a Field of Greens,

Betwixt Yellow Blue-Creams,

Rested here for quiet Studied scenes,

For thou art my plateaued Mountain,

Muddy carpeted, oaken Queen,

Thouest Monet painted Spring,

Bejewelled vision thou hast yet seen,

Rabbits hazel-brown, white-tailed hues,


Perfect rainbow covered,

Meadow shielded views,

One end to t’other,

Grains of feet an’ barley for thine Meal,

Buzzards Wood rising proud thy Bow,

Wrens Wood drawn aft galloping South.

A tinctured scythe for reaping Hay,

‘If thy made’st thou on thy Potter’s Wheel,

You’d be youthfully kiln fire minted Clay.’”

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright May 2021.


“Father of Sci-Fi”

“Father of Sci-Fi

the Heat Hearth Ray is here

temperature gauges molten high

and we keepeth saying

thou hast Locusts for Eyes,

Digging deep, molechian

releasing gaseous meths insane

cursive wooden canes

corruption rife

Father of Woe and Strife,

Old Man of Borneo cries

because his homely home fries

the skipping Unicorn of the North died

took its place with the dodo

and white blackened lies,

The predator never softens

its invisible man-like face

with fossil fuelled Gatling paint

charmed mummied balms

beware of baying similed bait,

Watching morphological clay

take on iron bayonetted Centurion

Dalekian-like turreted firepowered display,

Degenerated eliminated biological decay

Gray calls out to fish bellied Lover of They

‘Listen, I have seen these terra-aliens

with row upon row of destructed guillotined

bloody finned melee!’,

Did Man only crawl out since 18th Century

mangle-mired oily burned dimly lit

Anti-Cyclic way?”

– conservation poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright ©  11th July 2021.


“these rains” written in iron gall ink by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright November 2021.


“Shielded Membrane”

Thoughts upon my coat of arms

My coat of arms

Shielded membrane, flexed for action,

Widened hands

Outstretched, outstretched,

Yonder to the Sun

Flaming fireball

Lights seen

Lights seen


Have you ever read

scrolling depth charged Unfathomable?

thy mesh, thy honeycombs,

Impermeable, Impassable.


I am the Alien

Did’st thou expect me?

thy Foreign Traveller

distance and time

Do you Art believe?

my journey, my journey,

thrice heavy

girded happy, carrying you,

not yet the half,

not yet the half.


Thoughts upon my coat of arms

My coat of arms

Shielded membrane, flexed for action,

Widened hands

Outstretched, outstretched,

Yonder to the Sun

Flaming fireball

Lights seen

Lights seen


Thoughts upon my coat of arms

My coat of arms

Shielded membrane, flexed for action,

Widened hands

Outstretched, outstretched,

Yonder to the Sun

Flaming fireball

Lights seen, lights seen,

Lights seen, lights seen.

a song by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, copyright November 2021.


“Fine Faithful Grit”

“Of thespians good and true,

parched for hearty vocal broth,

consumed as nourished meandered news,

as dancing flightful flint of moth,

whose mighty weight in movied class,

will lift off joy of bow and sprit,

as drunken hoards,

where within,

finds noble lords of fine faithful grit.”

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, in Bookman Old Style font, © 26th January 2022.


“Artful Quieted Beseech”

“ In yonder fair light and write of thought in speech,

I asked a lady in artful quieted beseech,

to tell the feel, the mood of lovers brood,

that Earth shall fi-nally receive of leaders snood. “

– a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, in Imprint MT Shadow font, © 26th January 2022.


“Zea Mays”

“Thou art the zea mays throughout the field,

green aphids of the sky,

sea urchins clasping deep,

microorganisms in our sleep,

sounds of Ganymede and Sun,

ineffable valleys we can run,

if I told you:

‘hath barely begun,

feathers, scales, spiderwebs spun,

would thee death, destroy, annihilation shun?’

thou cannot holdst a climate cracker to the Earth,

and be fully quaffing in thou mirth,

we art, look! for harmony with birth,

not thee over-polluted scourge,

give thought,

sing decree,

bring peoples happy-sighed relief.”

a poem by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, © 6th February 2022.


“Bind yourself to the Twig,
Breathe your roots to the Fig,
Cluster Leaves to the Vine,
Sing your Way, sublime.

Dance your life to Peace,
Let beration cease,
Liberate wheated sheaf,
Happily half to Meet.

Tune your heart,
To Waterfalls beat,
Find the Love you seek,
Whence good you shall keep.”

– by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – Copyright © 26th July 2022.


An original writing by Matt The Unfathomable Artist:

“Mountain Home”

“i have a mountain i call home,

it is a place no one knows,

no one [here] goes,

it is free to me,

i travel there everyday,

no one [here] can fathom,

they do not understand,

i make the mighty place a minnow,

the minnow place i make mighty,

i form a planet with my breath [my own breath within],

only so as to travel there one day i choose,

its dimensions i know [for i shall make it that way],

it will be one of my homes [for me],

for now i shall make this home lovelier,

as when the Tree were merely roots in the wet soils,

waiting for me as shade with our Sun.”

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, © April 2023.

An original writing by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, written in original iron gall ink
on A3 250g/m² mixed media paper signed ‘Matt’, © 30th April 2023.




”three pence in the pound“ [digital Art, 26th December 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.


”life is a forever lover“ [digital Art, 26th December 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.


[Starry version]” [25th June 2021] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital sketch originally using 3H HB 3B pencils, includes 3.00 gamma correction, original sketch on A4 135gsm Artist’s paper, digital sketch 4698 x 4115 pixels.


A Collection of Sayings, Poems and Songs by Matt The Unfathomable Artist – copyright ©2002 onward.

Please note this blog article will be updated over the years as a published record of artistic sayings, poems and songs by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.
