subcutaneous differentiation mechanotide

”subcutaneous differentiation mechanotide“ [Original in Red edition, digital Art, 24th November 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

I hadn’t felt inspired in terms of my art for quite some weeks really.

This artwork idea became a mindful thought earlier this morning (24th November). Although to produce a work referencing the word “ziggurat” was actually something I wanted to do months ago.

With my inspiration this morning I began constructing the artwork on a canvas in my mind. Linking ‘ziggurat’ with ‘mechanotide’ and asking a question..

.. Which effect is most damaging to the Earth?

An hour later or so I recorded a few words. Me personally saying [precisely and slowly] “mechanotide ziggurat differention

Here is a computer generated version for you to listen to:

”mechanotide ziggurat differention“ [Vocals by a popular <Text-to-Speech> service, digitally produced using my three original words combined in the title, 24th November 2023], mp3 format.

Now let’s take a look at my B&W Monochrome edition:

”subcutaneous differentiation mechanotide“ [B&W Monochrome edition, digital Art, 24th November 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

B&W Monochrome is best viewed full screen to get a sense of all the words.

Next is my own exact one-take spontaneous vocal recording, no alteration to my vocals. I did not preconceive any idea to produce a vocal artwork with this recording.

Just me formulating artistic ideas ready to produce a [digital] canvas later in the day [best with good headphones or music speakers 🎧🔉]:

[available upon request]

My last edition (of the three) is the SolarScape shown immediately below:

”subcutaneous differentiation mechanotide“ [Solarscape edition, digital Art, 24th November 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

The colours art so cool in this I think, do you? Again, viewing full screen reveals the words much more clearly of course.

Returning to my vocals, I spontaneously say the word ‘differention’, as there is no such word in the English language to my knowledge. I believe I am somehow inspired by the Basquiat use of misspelt linguistics having viewed a (previously unseen) specific work of Jean-Michel online the day before.


For my digital artwork I chose “differentiation” to create lyrical contrast. I feel “differention” became an artwork of itself in the vocals rather than on my digital canvas. I didn’t try to produce a lyrical performance even though I speak with artistically unintended melancholic verbalisation due entirely to the subject matter [of mechanotide].

My human vocal recording was 100% produced to ensure I formulated good ideas for my canvas artwork.

I digitally inserted ”evil mechanotide #2“ [digital Art, 17th November 2023] into ”subcutaneous differentiation mechanotide“ [24th November 2023] for speed of working, whilst also since I love the mouse written style of ‘MECHANOTIDE’ in that work.

”evil mechanotide #2“ [digital Art, 17th November 2023] is an exact digital inclusion from ”evil mechanotide“ [digital Art, 8th October 2023].

Here is the inserted art in a macro image:

”evil mechanotide #2“ [digital Art, 17th November 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

This is edited in these newer mechanotide versions with corresponding colours and/or textures added using a digital painting package.

The word ‘subcutaneous’ was an instant idea whilst I was digitally drawing.

Here is a Youtube version of my artwork with images and words by a popular Text-to-Speech service:

”mechanotide ziggurat differention“ [Artwork Images with Vocals by a popular service, digitally produced using my three original words combined in the title, 24th November 2023], mp4 video format.

For myself as a person I perceive a vast plethora of content from within my complex layers of ideas, as Basquiat did throughout his incredible artworks.

I am interested to know which of these three digital editions you like the most.


”human being²”

”human being²” {human being squared} [digital Art, 20th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

”human being²” speaks to us in black and white regarding ethnical, ethical, cultural values that are wickedly devalued or twisted in Law and society dependent upon a person’s beliefs.

“The Spiritual Charter is to recognise equal treatment in Law and society wherever unacceptable regard is being taken towards an individual person or group of persons due to their beliefs or non-beliefs.”

The important rapport behind The Spiritual Charter is to tackle obvious spiritual corruption occurring in such instances.

Do we not read [in common Laws] to respect a person’s beliefs, non-beliefs and/or opinions even should thoust disagree?

Throughout the world we see the blight of unfair treatment of peoples.

The Law for All Peoples is clear. It is ancient, past, present and beyond this day.

The title for my artwork represents equal value as a human being, whilst also continuing my idea of fair living space written into Law for every human being.

Here I am considering shanty towns, favelas and those without a home within the message of my artwork.


“great is our GRETA”

”great is our GRETA – Original” [digital Art, 19th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

A personal quote in writing of positive climate change and humanitarian activism:

“Powerhouse art 🌍🌎🌏 the people care, the people are speaking 🌋🌊⚡🌩🌪🌬🌡☀⛽⏰💪🏼💪🏼🎨”

‘Original’ shows fiery red as a colour with neon-like writing for strong emphasis and a somewhat messy order to the canvas structure to extol the harsh reality of these messages.

With a few pre-planned ideas ready for the canvas I worked spontaneously and quickly in style. ‘Original’ was made in one hour. The four complimentary versions took 35 minutes, with a third draft of fifteen minutes for ‘Leaders Version’ to ensure ‘great is our GRETA’ shone even if Leadership over the climate has not.

I made five versions of ”great is our GRETA” – ‘Original’, ‘SolarScape in Green & Blue’, ‘for the Grain’, ‘Lime Green with Pink’ and ‘Leaders Version’ {the latter where all the words are senselessly obscured except ‘great is our GRETA’ still holding steadfast and true.

These artworks boldly, vividly and powerfully highlight global economic disparities linked to demographical inequality and a hierarchical persistence in unethical commercial behaviour.

Here are the four further versions:

”great is our GRETA – SolarScape in Green & Blue” [digital Art, 19th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

I feel ‘SolarScape in Green & Blue’ dignifies the beauty of our Earth, the sky, the oceans and fauna as a reminder against manmade global warming.

”great is our GRETA – for the Grain” [digital Art, 19th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

‘for the Grain’ represents our international news media bringing information and knowledge throughout important human challenges. Aptly naming this to honour the poor, starving and malnourished peoples around our globe.

”great is our GRETA – Lime Green with Pink” [digital Art, 19th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

‘Lime Green with Pink’ represents the fruits of our labours, your valuable human labours in effort, ethics and equality.

”great is our GRETA – Leaders Version” [digital Art, 19th/20th September 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

A reasonable satirical take on the state of greenwashing in the modern commercial, politically corrupted world.

‘Leaders Version’ represents the lack of true, definable advantageous climate action across developed world'(?) Leadership since 1992! Lobbying through the political systems has wrought climatic woes on our shared planet, its natural ecosystems and resources.

We are the people.


Cellular Circles Candy #2

Cellular Circles Candy #2 – Original in Blue, Red & Yellow” [digital Pop Art, 25th August 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Cellular Circles Candy #2 is more simplistic than #1, yet reminiscent of school mathematical counters. Of which I have a particular story from first school, one of the earliest obvious connections I had with art!

Here is the Collage version:

Cellular Circles Candy #2 – Nine Grid Collage” [digital Pop Art, 25th August 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% digital artwork, 3264 x 3264 pixels.

These are super pretty aren’t they? Like those mathematical counters at school. You see, I loved a few of them so much. The beautiful designs on the counters were delicious to my young six or seven year old self.

One of my naughty school classmates pocketed a few. Something I know even a near-decade later from first school was part of his character. He was well known as one of the most pick-pocketing pocketers you ever might know.

Anyway with great rarity, for me, I pocketed a few too! Yes, we got into naughty trouble for that with our very nice teacher who was genuinely perplexed <I> personally had naughtily ‘acquired’ a counter or two myself. She was not perplexed by the other boy’s naughtiness. In fact, she seemed to rather expect it.

I was werry werry embarassed <red-faced emoji>.

I realise now the irresistible desire I had for art. Through my childhood – patterns, natural stones, textures, songs, nature.. anything arty greatly interested me.

Here is the unusual abstracted circles version:

“Cellular Circles Candy #2 – Abstracted” [digital Pop Art, 25th August 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% digital artwork, 1920 x 1080 pixels.

I do love this piece and all my Cellular Circles works.

Hope you enjoyed this article.


“Angry Owl – #2”

“Angry Owl #2 – Original” by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, pastels, charcoal and acrylic on 10in x 12in canvas pad.

“Angry Owl #2 – Original” is probably a selfie on his smartphone.

“Angry Owl #2 – Digitised” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

“Angry Owl #2 – Digitised” found himself in computer circuitry.

“Angry Owl #2 – Black & White” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

“Angry Owl #2 – Black & White” walked onto the set of a 1920’s silent movie. Quickly he assumed this cunning mask to conceal his distinctive looks.

“Angry Owl #2 – Pixelated” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

Caught up by mistaken identity “Angry Owl #2 – Pixelated” found himself in a Police line-up. ‘Pixelated’ was his disguise so you wouldn’t recognise him.

“Angry Owl #2 – Solarised” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

As you can clearly see “Angry Owl #2 – Solarised” turned his face to the Sun. He wasn’t even on holiday at the time.

“Angry Owl #2 – Tracing Paper” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

A keen student of H.G. Wells The Invisible Man, “Angry Owl #2 – Tracing Paper” went to art class in high school to perfect blending into any surrounding. I think by now you would all agree he is quite brilliant at camouflage.

“Angry Owl #2 – Montage” [4th July 2023] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, digital artwork.

“Angry Owl #2 – Montage” was released by secret services in order for the public to formally identify him, amidst all his aliases. We do not know where “Angry Owl #1” is either. Last information we have is that “Angry Owl #1” was placed into a refuse bin for no reason whatsoever.

To help identify “Angry Owl #1” here is the last known photograph:

“Angry Owl #1” [August 2010] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, pastels on board.

Please do not attempt to approach “Angry Owl #1” or “Angry Owl #2” as they are able to horizontally rotate their necks at extreme angles. Also, they are absolutely lethal to harvest mice.

Special skills: Ability to listen to you under one foot of snow.. whilst hovering airborne!

If you find “Angry Owl #1” please contact Matt The Unfathomable Artist as he is willing to trade one of his best currently available sketches for the safe return of “Angry Owl #1”.

Thank you for your kind assistance.


Impassioned Kisses – Pop Art Oil Painting

‘Impassioned Kisses’ [completed August 2013] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist,
Oil on canvas, 36 inches x 28 inches.

Pop Art oil painting entitled ‘Impassioned Kisses’ completed August 2013.

‘Beautiful art lines are discovered and re-discovered like sand dunes and swan necks.’

by Matt The Unfathomable Artist

[Digitally edited photograph]


‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’

I have produced a series of Pop Art oil pieces on A3 light textured paper entitled ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’.

Here is the Aquamarine version:

Pop Art ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Aquamarine, 25th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Aquamarine oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph. Original Saying created December 2018.

This is the Red Ochre #1 version:

Pop Art ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Red Ochre, 26th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Red Ochre oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph. Original Saying created December 2018.

.. and here is the Sap Green version:

Pop Art ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ [Sap Green, 26th April 2019] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Sap Green oil paint writing on A3 light textured paper, signed ‘Matt’ on reverse. Digitally edited photograph. Original Saying created December 2018.

The phantasmagorical concept emanating from this Pop Art ensemble is to mix artistic persona with fluent ecological conservation.  To help inspire the need for cultural, societal, economical and environmental change linked to our beautiful Earth planet.

I like the idea ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’ carries within various layers of meaning.  For instance if someone says, we can’t solve this, it’s too difficult, it cannot be done, then we quizzically reply, ‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’.

To drive true change we need new behaviour to accomplish whatever is necessary, environmentally speaking.  Art can motivate, encourage, nurture, grow, develop and achieve unimaginably positive solutions we just didn’t think possible.

‘If Entirely Fathomable, Wouldn’t Be Unfathomable’.

Some have wondered at the random placing of words onto the A3 paper with regards to the use of ‘canvas’ space.  Aquamarine naturally aligned centrally.  Red Ochre (#1 of #2) shifted right, whilst Sap Green ascended higher textually than the preceding colour oil works.

Perhaps this is the result of pure chance, coincidence.  Or possibly preposterously we can read formulaic thinking into the letters.  After I completed the art pieces, super happily viewing them drying late evening, I couldn’t help notice the positioning of certain letters:

Y over O in ‘Aquamarine’,

Y intersects B in ‘Red Ochre #1’,

Y is a constant over MA in ‘Sap Green’.

T required calculation.

Likely astronomers, engineers and mathematicians can help explain the correlation to us.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoy my Pop Art works.



