“RAW OME – Original” [16th April 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Iron Gall Ink drawing on A4 250g mixed media paper, 4189 x 5814 pixels.

I made “RAW OME – Original” within approximately half an hour, completely spontaneously without any preconceived ideas. It should be noted this was done with a dip pen with a sharp flat metal nib.

Every line, rounded shape, written word and iconography required repetitive ink dipping to create the stark, clean workpersonship you see here. I use an original boutique made recipe in good reference to an oak gall ink by Giovambattista Palatino from the mid-1500’s.

In addition to the Original ink edition I made two digital versions ‘Silver Bullet’ and ‘Brimstone’ shown below which feature black backgrounds. These digital artwork titles play on men thinking of divine retribution to manmade problems, like manmade war.

“RAW OME” incorporated some of my Galaxies Reverberation symbology in its [subconscious] construction [G.R. #7 #8 & #9 featured]. nb see also Galaxies Reverberation #1 & #2 and Galaxies Reverberation #6 whose titles all reference <cause and effect> and <chaos theory>. ‘Chaos’ Theory in the way I understand this. That is to say an occurrence can, at certain times, be interconnected to another.

In this intellectual reasoning therefore both cause and effect and chaos theory have pertinence with my latest artwork, “RAW OME”.

Yes, this is 100% derived from topical international news. It is genuinely ‘completely spontaneously without any preconceived ideas’ in that I just drew lines and shapes. Becoming the news as I did so, now in my thoughts. After completion I myself realised the ‘squiggles with DEMOLITION’ area of the paper actually represented something specific!


This sliver of ink itself not conceived as an idea in any way whilst drawing, aside from the obvious connection to war generally.. demolition. An overt movie reference.

I leave no ambiguity with some things. RAW OME is quite simply ‘WAR MEMO’.

A diplomatic capacity.

Last night I looked up the word OME. I had no prior idea it was even an individually recognised word or words in any connotation or scientific meaning whatsoever. This formula to obscure word or words is entirely Basquiat inspired.

SAMO is merely a play on words only.. to soundlike ‘same old’.

Nox builds upon hierarchical mens inability to appreciate their wanton ruinous Earth-wrecking actions.

The aghast hands parody their critical analysis of the situation.

Other hierarchy must be evil. They cannot possibly believe how their enemies could react so co-equally recklessly also.

This artwork is not about good or righteous actions. It’s about recklessness. Recklessness sharpening missiles against recklessness.

Cause and effect.

A business in cunningly orchestrated war at the detriment of national debts, cost of living, your personal well-being, safety and security.

50 + 50 + 50 = DStM.

“RAW OME – Brimstone” [16th April 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% Digital Artwork, 4189 x 5814 pixels.

As already mentioned “RAW OME – Brimstone” is all about the onerous thinking that God wants to eliminate co-competing nations or their peoples. Some or all of whose people will believe in God. Some of whose people will not.

That is free will.

“RAW OME – Silver Bullet” [16th April 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% Digital Artwork, 4189 x 5814 pixels.

“RAW OME – Silver Bullet” leaves the option of simpler solutions to complex problems.

Of course, we do not live in a perfect world where everyone will chat nicely to solve bitter disagreements amicably with a cup of tea.

Unreasonableness is a problem.

Evil is a problem.

Without selfish unreasonableness the global manmade climate damage problem would be much further along its most timely reversal.

I wrote this impartially without prejudice for all people.

Thank you for reading.
