Digital Artworks – Green Umber Rectangular Abstract

“Green Umber Gold Rectangular – Solar Landscape” [5th April 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% Digital Artwork, 4695 x 3541 pixels.

I made two digital Editions of Green Umber. “Green Umber Gold Rectangular – Solar Landscape” shown above.

This particular Solarscape (as I term this type of digital work) is quite nebula-like. Always interests me how my brushstrokes and palette work converts attractively into a digital representation. From there I make finite adjustments to arrive at a unique piece.

Next, I have a Portrait Edition, fine tuned today:

“Green Umber Gold Rectangular – Monochrome Portrait” [18th April 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 100% Digital Artwork, 2252 x 2987 pixels.

“Green Umber Gold Rectangular – Monochrome Portrait” bursts through with light in a vertical edition, similar to the Original abstract painting itself.

Businesses use technology constantly to communicate directly to an audience.

The use of technology helps artists achieve much greater exposure to viewers than ever before. For me the creative elements within technology offers new scope for making art.

I do feel these two digitals are valid artworks in their own way. In my early digital experimentations I made some artworks in an explorative manner only, merely to share with you.

Pieces like these in this article would certainly look super printed and installed in any suitable setting.

I think I am saying some pieces are for online enjoyment and personal exploration. Whilst I feel most of my digital artworks are potential installation pieces.

I would love to create an art museum of my works for your enjoyment.
